The mobile ICT
ICT is one of the economic development pillars to gain national competitive advantage. It can improve the quality of human life because it can be used as learning and education media, the mass communication media in promoting and campaigning practical and important issues, such as the health and social area.
As an integral part of Ghana’s Educational curriculum ICT is one of the required subjects studied in schools across Ghana however it is mostly taught only in theory. A good number of schools do not have access to computers and are not in a capacity to create ICT laps. The worse of the situation are government schools in rural areas not only do these schools lack ICT teachers, they also lack the adequate infrastructure to handle the subject. This hasnecessitated us to carry out the Mobile ICT . Computers are carried to deprived schools where there is no electricity in the schools and are made accessible to these children who even though do not have access to such facilities are required to sit and take the Basic Education Certificate examination at the end of the Junior high school without any course to whether they have had training or not. This provides an unfair grading system to rural pupils since their urban counterparts would have had access to computers at one point or the order.